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- Courses
- Bachelor of Theology in Chaplaincy
- Bachelor of Theology (Distance)
- Bachelor of Theology with Education
- Bachelor of Theology Ministerial
- Bachelor of Theology Honours
- Diploma in Theology with Education
- Diploma in Theology Ministerial
- Diploma in Diaconal work
- Diploma in Youth Work
- Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood
- Bachelor of Education in Secondary
- Bachelor of Education in Primary
- Bachelor of Adult Education plus a Teaching Subject
- Bachelor of Education in Guidance and Counselling Plus a Teaching Subject
- Bachelor Science in ICT with Education
- Bachelor of Education in Special Education
- Bachelor in Home Economics with Education
- Bachelor of Arts in General Counselling Management
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Master in Education Religious Studies and Civic Education
- Master in Education Management and Administration
- Diploma of Education Early Childhood
- Diploma of Education in Primary
- Diploma in Secondary Education
- Diploma in Lecturing and Teaching Methodology
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